镇江 UFC911B106 3BHE037864R0106 控制板 库存备货
2022年10月25日南京 PCD235B1101 3BHE032025R1101 模块 库存备货
The global head of ABB robot autonomous mobile robot business said that the market for autonomous mobile robots would grow significantly, with an annual growth rate of about 24% expected from 2021 to 2028. The integration of ASTI’s autonomous mobile robot series products and the establishment of our global manufacturing and support network mean that we can well cope with this growth, provide our customers with new methods to solve their supply chain challenges, and meet the demand for higher flexibility and speed brought by the continuous growth of e-commerce.
ABB has provided the UK’s strategic partners with autonomous mobile robot solutions and a complete assembly line based on autonomous mobile robots for a start-up technology company producing electric vehicle drive systems. The autonomous mobile robot is responsible for transporting products between the robot automation unit and the manual assembly station. The whole automation solution uses ABB robot, visual function package and autonomous mobile robot to work together.
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